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Tarjan’s Algorithm with Implementation in Java Vijay Sinha The Crazy Programmer

In this article, we will look at a famous algorithm in Graph Theory, Tarjan Algorithm . We will also look at an interesting problem related to it, discuss the approach and analyze the complexities. Tarjan’s Algorithm is mainly used to find Strongly Connected Components in a directed graph. A directed graph is a graph made up of a set of vertices connected by edges, where the edges have a direction associated with them.  A Strongly Connected Component in a graph is basically a self contained cycle within a directed graph where from each vertex in a given cycle we can reach every other vertex in that cycle. Let us understand this with help of an example, consider this graph: In the above graph, the box A and B show the SCC or Strongly Connected Components of the graph. Let us look at a few terminologies before explaining why the above components are SCC. Back-Edge:  So an edge of nodes (u,v) is a Back-Edge, if the edge from u to v has Descendent-Ancestor relationship. The node

#Compat2021 initiative aims to improve web compatibility

Google is partnering with other industry vendors to improve web compatibility across various browsers through an initiative called #Compat2021 . According to Google, it will focus on addressing the top five browser compatibility issues: CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, position:sticky, aspect-ratio, and CSS transforms. The #Compat2021 chose these focus areas based on feature usage data, the number of bugs in each browser engine, survey results from MDN surveys and the State of CSS, test results from web-platform-tests , and CanIUse data.  CSS Flexbox is widely used, but web developers run into major issues with it, such as Chromium and WebKit having issues with auto-height flex containers, resulting in incorrectly sized images.  CSS Grid is a core building block for web layouts, so it needs to be rock solid, Google explained, so that differences between browsers don’t cause developers to avoid using it.  The position-sticky property allows content to “stick” to the edge of a viewport. It

The free software community calls for the removal of entire FSF board

In response to Richard Stallman returning to the Free Software Foundation (FSF) as a board member , more than a thousand software developers and free software advocates have signed an open letter asking for the removal of the entire board. According to the open letter , Stallman is a “dangerous force in the software software community” and the FSF board has enabled and empowered him for too long.  “They demonstrate this again by permitting him to rejoin the FSF Board. It is time for RMS to step back from the free software, tech ethics, digital rights, and tech communities, for he cannot provide the leadership we need,” the letter stated.  The group is also calling for Stallman to be removed from the GNU Project and other leadership positions he currently holds.  The letter goes on to say that in order for the promise of software freedom to become reality, the community must radically change.  “We believe in a present and a future where all technology empowers – not oppresses – pe

SD Times news digest: Circonus’ new Linux host monitoring dashboard, API company Reshuffle joins Twitter, and PyPI becomes a GitHub secret scanning integrator

The new Linux host monitoring dashboard by Circonus is designed to enable users to efficiently and accurately monitor their Linux hosts and to diagnose and resolve issues.  The solution utilizes the company’s Circonus Unified Agent (CUA), which is a single collection agent that consolidates all host and services monitoring. “One of the top issues we hear from companies who are frustrated with their monitoring systems is lack of clarity into their data and time to identify and resolve issues. Our Linux host monitoring dashboard directly addresses this challenge,” Kevin Kamel, the vice president of product and customer success at Circonus wrote in a blog post . “It collects and graphs more metrics than other solutions, giving users immediate, deep insights into their systems. As a result, they can more efficiently make sense of their data, troubleshoot issues, and validate that everything is working as expected.” API company Reshuffle joins Twitter The Reshuffle team will join the De

Crystal programming language reaches 1.0

The Crystal programming language has reached its 1.0 release, meaning that it has achieved language stability, a plan for maintenance releases and some features that haven’t received full support as of this release. Crystal is a language that has syntax similar to Ruby, is statically type-checked without the need for specifying the type of variables or method parameters, is able to call C code and more. With language stability, users can expect that for any future 1.x version, the code will still compile and work without any significant incompatibilities. Also, language and standard library features won’t be removed or changed in any way that could prevent existing code from compiling and working, according to the developers behind the project in a blog post . The developers also predict that they are going to be maintaining at least two minor versions and that migration between releases should be relatively easy. There are also some features that are currently available in Crystal

SD Times news digest: Rookout Agile Flame Graphs, ServiceNow acquires Intellibot, and CircleCI server 3.x

Rookout’s Agile Flame Graphs was launched to dynamically profile distributed applications in production and provide developers with a fully-visualized understanding of how their code is impacting other applications.  “Agile Flame Graphs allows software engineers to select a section of code and instantly visualize the latency between functions and individual lines of code, within and across distributed systems,” said Liran Haimovitch, the CTO and co-founder of Rookout.  According to the company, Agile Flame Graphs collect the most useful data across applications such as CPU consumption and latency between microservices and then visualizes it in an easily-accessible manner. ServiceNow acquires Intellibot ServiceNow announced plans to acquire Intellibot to build its capabilities natively into the Now platform and to enable customers to more easily integrate into modern and legacy systems.  ServiceNow stated that the acquisition supports ServiceNow’s commitment to the Indian market an

Richard Stallman returns to the Free Software Foundation

Richard Stallman, the founder and former president of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), has announced he is returning to the foundation as a board member.  Stallman founded the FSF in 1985 and was the acting president until about 18 months ago when he resigned over comments he made regarding Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged victims.  At the time, Stallman said he was resigning over “a series of misunderstandings and mischaracterizations.”  The announcement was made in a talk at LibrePlanet this week. “I’m now on Free Software Foundation’s board of directors once again,” he said. “Some of you will be happy at this, and some might be disappointed, but who knows. In any case, that is how it is. And I am not planning to resign a second time.”  The FSF has not provided a comment about Stallman’s return or the role he will play in the foundation at the time of this writing.  The post Richard Stallman returns to the Free Software Foundation appeared first on SD Times . from SD Tim

OpenTelemetry .NET 1.0 released

Microsoft announced the 1.0 specification for OpenTelemetry .NET, the canonical distribution of the OpenTelemetry SDK implementation in .NET. The 1.0 release includes OpenTelemetry .NET APIs: Tracing API, Baggage API, Context API and Propagators API. Developers will also have access to an SDK that provides controls for sampling, processing and exporting as well as documentation, which includes samples and guides for plugin authors. The release also includes exporters to Jaeger, Zipkin and the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP).  The specification for .NET follows February’s announcement that the OpenTelemetry specification reached v1.0, which offered stability guarantees for distributed tracing.  RELATED CONTENT:  Why OpenTelemetry is here to stay OpenTelemetry was the result of OpenTracing and OpenCensus merging in 2019.  “As modern application environments are polyglot, distributed, and increasingly complex, observing your application to identify and react to failures has become chal

SD Times news digest: Stack Overflow for Teams now free, Saltworks and Secure Code Warrior team up on secure coding, and open-source company Camunda announces new funding

The collaboration platform Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users and the Free plan includes ChatOps integrations to Slack and Microsoft Teams.  “The open source ethos that is foundational to this network was an inspiration for our new free offering. We’re excited to enable those who are working towards a common goal to develop a collective knowledge base. I truly believe those in our technology community will find value from our free, private environment,” Teresa Dietrich, the chief product and technology officer at Stack OverFlow wrote in a blog post .  Meanwhile, the Basic plan now includes the ability to use single sign-on (SSO) without changing the current price.  Saltworks and Secure Code Warrior team up on secure coding  The partnership will elevate the importance and accessibility of secure code education and skills development and to further AppSec programs for global enterprises.  Saltworks helps organizations build AppSec programs from policy to produc

How to Get a Job in Google India? Chirag Manghnani The Crazy Programmer

Landing a job at Google is like a daydream come true! Googlers around the world are highly satisfied with the culture, work-life balance, perks, and benefits that Google offers. However, it’s not easy for anyone to get a job at Google.  Google ranks second in the world’s top four most valuable brands with Amazon (#1), Apple (#3), and Microsoft (#4). Being on the list of most valuable and top brands globally, you can assume how Google and Googlers work. Google is the most used search engine that has answers for almost every queries people search. To make it more relevant, useful, and convenient, Google always tries to develop and magnify its platform on a global basis. And for that, the company requires a lot of creative, intelligent, and tech-savvy personalities who don’t just believe in hard-working; instead, a more creative and innovative approach that proves to be more productive and prolific for Googlers’ environment. If you are from a technical background, you must have ever t

Longest Palindromic Subsequence in Java Vijay Sinha The Crazy Programmer

In this article, we will look at yet another interesting problem popular in coding interviews. The problem states that Given a String we have to Find the Longest Palindromic Subsequence present in the String. We need to find only the Length of such subsequence. We will discuss various approaches related to our problem and analyze the time and space complexities. By Subsequence , we mean a sequence of string characters not necessarily contiguous but they have to preserve their relative ordering. For Example, for the String : ABBHJ, AHJ is a subsequence of the string, because characters follow the order and each of them are present in the String. Now, we need to find a Palindromic Subsequence. E.g. For String, CBAFAB, BAAB and BAFAB are subsequences of the string and are palindrome. But Subsequence BAFAB is the longest among them with length 5. Note: If a sequence of characters is contiguous it is a Substring. A substring is also a Subsequence. Let us look at different approaches to

Async Foundations Working Group to build a shared vision for Async Rust

In an effort to make asynchronous programming in Rust more available to everyone, the Async Foundations Working Group is building a shared vision document for Async Rust. According to the working group, this will accelerate Rust’s adoption for building distributed systems.  “Whatever they’re using it for, we want all developers to love using Async Rust. For that to happen, we need to move Async Rust beyond the “MVP” state it’s in today and make it accessible to everyone,” Niko Matsakis wrote in a blog post on behalf of the Async Foundations Working Group. “Our goal is to engage the entire community in a collective act of the imagination: how can we make the end-to-end experience of using Async I/O not only a pragmatic choice, but a joyful one?” RELATED CONTENT: What’s all the fuss about Rust? The vision document will include a “cast of characters” where the team will write a series of “status quo stories” around a particular Rust value, the challenges they faced and how they overca

SD Times news digest: OctoML to accelerate ML deployment, Windows Community Toolkit 7.0, and SQLAlchemy 1.4 released

OctoML announced that it raised $28 million in a Series B funding round that it will use towards accelerating ML deployment.  OctoML said it will use the funding to double its team and launch Octomizer, its self-serve SaaS product. The company is also building a Machine Learning Acceleration Platform that automatically maximizes model performance while still enabling seamless deployment on any hardware, cloud provider or edge service.  Additional details are available here . Windows Community Toolkit 7.0 The updated version contains a new .NET Standard MVVM library, easier to use Toast Notification helpers for both .NET and UWP, a completely revamped composition Animation system for C# & XAML as well as new controls.  The Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm package makes it easier to abstract the base Model and ViewModel logic from an application later in the process, especially for projects that target multiple UI frameworks, according to Michael A. Hawker, a senior software engineer fo

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Text Extensions for Pandas

IBM recently announced the open-source library Text Extensions for Pandas, which features extensions that turn Pandas DataFrames into a universal data structure that can be used in natural language processing (NLP).  According to the company, the goal of this project is to make NLP simple. In creating the library, it wanted to avoid creating algorithms that navigate data structures based on the outputs of NLP models, and instead use Pandas DataFrames to represent NLP data. The library includes Pandas extension types for representing natural language data and library integrations that convert the outputs of NLP libraries into DataFrames.  Text Extensions for Pandas provides three key benefits: transparency, simplicity, and compatibility, according to IBM.  “This project aligns with IBM’s goal to continually develop and deliver new natural language processing innovations, both in the open source community and through products like Watson Discovery and Watson Natural Language Understa

MonsterONE Review – Get 5% OFF Discount Code Neeraj Mishra The Crazy Programmer

When you start working on a new web design project, you need to find a bunch of useful tools and designs that will match the theme and meet your client’s demands. It’s always a time-consuming process because you need to check out dozens of websites before you find the one you can trust. If you are looking for the best place to download high-quality web design assets for your new website, you have reached the right place. Check out what MonsterONE offers and you won’t need to look for any extra tools and designs for your project. It’s the all-in-one subscription service that lets web developers, web designers, online marketing specialists, and everyone else related to the web design niche get all they need to make their web projects truly remarkable. Unlimited Downloads with MonterONE Subscription MonsterONE is a subscription service released by the TemplateMonster digital marketplace. It features a constantly growing collection of high-quality web design items matching all CMS typ