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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer Degree of Relationship in DBMS Degree of Relationship in DBMS The Crazy Programmer

Degree of Relationship in DBMS Jitendra Ajmera The Crazy Programmer

The degree of relationship means the number of entities associated with a relationship in a relational model. Based on the number of entities associated we have the following degree of relationships. Unary Relationship In this only a single entity is associated in a relation. It is mostly used to represent the recursive relationship, which means a single entity can be further divided into multiple categories. Like in a company multiple employees work. To manages these all employees a manager is appointed who is also counted as an employee. Here manager is an employee first then a manager. So, we can represent this relationship like this: Binary Relationship In this, two entities are associated in a relationship. This is most commonly used. This is easy to describe and maintains simplicity. Here in the above relation, two entities are associated in a single relationship, so the degree of relationship is 2 hence it is a Binary relationship. Ternary Relationship In this, thr...