In this article we look into another problem related to binary trees. Given a binary tree we have to print the Right View. We will discuss the approaches to solve this problem with their implementations and code. Along with this we will also look into the time and space complexities of our approaches. By right view of binary tree we mean the nodes visible to us when the tree is viewed from the right side. In other words, the nodes which are present at the last of each level, the root being the first level. Let us consider this binary tree: The Right View of this binary tree will give output: 1 3 6 7 . The nodes present in right view are marked in the figure. We start from the root node 1 at level 1 then we go down each level printing the last node present at each level. At level 2 node 3 is the last node so print it, at level 3 node 6 and at the last level 4 node 7 is the only node. Note: If a level contains only one node then that node is a part of our Right View. Input: ...
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