Concurrency vs Parallelism – Difference between Concurrency and Parallelism Vijay Sinha The Crazy Programmer
In this article, we dive deep into the core concepts of multithreading . We will have a look at the profound understandings of the terms Concurrency and Parallelism with their description. Then, we compare the major differences between the two terms. Concurrency and Parallelism are often misunderstood to be somewhat similar but it is not the case when we consider it with aspects of Multithreading. Concurrency By Concurrency, we mean executing multiple tasks on the same core. In simpler terms, it relates to processing more than one task at the same time. It is a state in which multiple tasks start, run, and complete in overlapping time periods. An application capable of executing multiple tasks virtually at the same time is called a Concurrent application. In case the computer only has one CPU or one Core the application may not make progress on more than one task at the exact same time . Instead, divide the time and the Core/CPU among various tasks. Concurrency is useful in dec...