When we talk about modern application development, one name that comes to our mind is MongoDB. If you’re a programmer, you might hear about MEAN or MERN stacks daily. The MongoDB development happened when the organization was putting all force into developing a Microsoft Azure-type PaaS in 2007. MongoDB History MongoDB is a document-oriented server that was developed in the C++ programming language. Mongo is a word that is derived from the Humongous. MongoDB and is the open-source server product, which is used for document-oriented storage. It was a NY-based company called 10gen and later it changed to MongoDB Inc. Their initial development was mainly focused on building Platform as a Service, soon MongoDB came out as the open-source server that was very well- maintained by the organization. Kevin Ryan, Dwight Merriman, and Eliot Horowitz were the DoubleClick founders, and also MongoDB developers. All three of them experienced relational database scalability issues when developing...
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