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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer How To Write TOR For A Designer? How To Write TOR For A Designer? The Crazy Programmer

How To Write TOR For A Designer? Neeraj Mishra The Crazy Programmer

A document that contains detailed answers to the questions of what, why and how – it is a Terms of Reference or TOR. If you order the design of the site or promotional materials, TK for the designer will be a guide to action and provide a complete and high-quality implementation of your ideas. 1. Start with the form In the pursuit of ideas, we rush to set the task designer and immediately talk about content: colors, blocks, details. The designer reads, begins to imagine at once. And at the end it turns out that he imagined the site, and we need a banner. Therefore, at first we indicate what exactly needs to be done: a whole site, page, business card, etc. Designers themselves often say they want to know the nuances of the company and the tasks that stand. Without this, their work can not bring results – the pages will just be, but customers will not lead and will not raise sales. 2. Share information about the company or project The designer will not come up with a business for...