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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer Context Switching in Operating System Context Switching in Operating System The Crazy Programmer

Context Switching in Operating System Chirag Manghnani The Crazy Programmer

Have you ever wondered how a multitasking processor handles too many processes simultaneously, and when you go back to any context, it starts from the same point where it was left? This is because Context Switching in operating system helps store the context of a process, thread, or state, which can be accessed at the same point when reloaded. Besides, it allows multiple processes to share the same CPU at a single given point of time, making it a multitasking feature. Let’s take a scenario! There are situations where the operating system’s mechanism is to be restored to some other state, such as a ready state or a waiting-block state. When a particular I/O operation is to be done during the operating phase, the process must be withdrawn and placed in the I/O queue. The method may also use a round-robin algorithm, where the process must return to the ready state after any set quantum of time. This method transition is achieved using Context Switching. Context Switching in Operatin...