Kubernetes are tools that organizations can implement into their containers to automate a wide range of app deployments. However, being able to deploy these applications so effectively and efficiently comes with the downside of potential risks. These risks are often in the form of attacks from hackers who are looking to steal data, mine cryptocurrencies, disrupt services, and more. These attacks will continue to be attempted which has caused organizations to look for viable solutions. Kubernetes Explained Kubernetes is an orchestration tool used for containers that automate the processes involved with deploying, updating, and monitoring the containers. It’s a tool that is widely supported on cloud platforms as it can be used with Rancher, Docker EE, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, and many more. One of the key aspects of Kubernetes is the master node. This is the server responsible for managing the Kubernetes cluster and worker node to deploy nodes and pods. The worker node (A.K.A minion...
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