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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer Relational vs Non-Relational Database Relational vs Non-Relational Database The Crazy Programmer

Relational vs Non-Relational Database Suraj Kumar The Crazy Programmer

Relational and non-relational are two major types of databases use to store their crucial data in managed format. Both have some similarities, but still, both databases are entirely different from each other. One of the significant differences between relational and non-relational databases is that the relational database organizes and stores the data in tabular format. On the other hand, the non-relational databases store the data of the company in the key-value format. Both types of databases have some advantages and disadvantages for the users. Here in this article, we will compare relational and non-relational databases. So you can understand which one can be the better choice for the organizations. Thus, if you desire to understand the significant difference between relational and non-relational databases, review this completely. Short Brief About Relational Databases A relational database is a model that describes the logical structure and the design to store the data. Along