Getting more for less – these four words describe the main reason why companies opt for hiring remote developers. But since you’re here, you don’t need convincing – you’ve already made up your mind. Now, it’s time for the tricky part: choosing the right people to get the work done. And it is tricky, so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. First of all, in-person meetings are off the table. You’ll have to rely on video conferencing – both for the screening process and day-to-day management later on. Plus, there’s a bunch of other widespread concerns: cultural differences, legal protection, etc. So, how do you hire dedicated development team you won’t regret working with down the road? Here are seven time-tested tips to help you make the right decision. Know What You Need in Perfect Detail In the absolute majority of cases, not knowing (or misunderstanding) what you need at the recruitment stage is what causes the later-on dissatisfaction with the dedicated development team. ...
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