In this article we will look into an interesting topic related to Linked List: Header Linked List. We will look at its description and types and will also look at the implementation and advantages of using it. Header Linked List is a modified version of Singly Linked List. In Header linked list, we have a special node, the Header Node present at the beginning of the linked list. The Header Node is an extra node at the front of the list storing meaningful information about the list. Such a node is not similar in structure to the other nodes in the list. It does not represent any items of the list like other nodes rather than the information present in the Header node is global for all nodes such as Count of Nodes in a List , Maximum among all Items, Minimum value among all Items etc. This gives useful information about the Linked list. Now, Header Linked List is of two types: Grounded Header Linked List Circular Header Linked List. Grounded Header Linked List In this type of...
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