File systems allow the driver to stay organized in terms of storing data. Its primary role is to ensure it stores the data correctly and reflects the file types, including filenames and permission to the user. The windows-operated file system has two types such as NTFS and FAT. The NTFS refers to the New Technology File System, whereas the FAT means the File Allocation Table. Both file types have some crucial advantages and disadvantages. And today, in this article, we will dig into the significant difference between fat and NTFS. What is FAT File System? FAT is the product of Microsoft, and it is referred to as the File Allocation Table. Microsoft developed FAT in 1977, and it was the simplest type of file system . Now it is one of the oldest file systems, and you may not find it in most computers. However, this file system was not very efficient and less compatible with the OS and removable storage cards. Generally, this system is used to define the status of clusters and build rel...
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