In this article we look into the difference between CLOB and BLOB datatypes in Oracle/MYSQL. We will also see about the description of each datatype and how to create attributes in a table with these datatypes. So, CLOB and BLOB are types of Large Object Datatypes (LOB). LOB’s are a set of datatypes used to store or hold large amounts of data to access and manipulate the data efficiently. To learn more about Large Objects refer to Oracle Documentations. Also Read: Difference Between MySQL and ORACLE CLOB CLOB stands for Character Large Object . It is a built in datatype used to store large textual data with variable length holding up to 2,147,483,647 bytes of characters i.e. up to 2 GB long. It can store both single byte or multiple byte character streams. The CLOB datatype is represented using the java.sql.Clob interface in the JDBC API in Java. The CLOB object in JDBC holds a logical pointer to SQL CLOB. In other words, the object points to the location of the data instead o...
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