Welcome to JSON minifier online free tool. This awesome tool will help you to minify your JSON data. All you need to do is just paste your data in the below box, click on the button, after that you will instantly get the compressed JSON. For making your work easier we have also provided a copy and a clear button. It helps you to compress or minify JSON. It simply removes all spaces and tabs to make JSON take the least space. This minify tool also checks JSON data is valid or not before minifying. Our JSON minifier works with all platforms and browsers. Here is an example of how data looks after minifying. Original JSON String: { "student": { "name": "Neeraj", "branch": "science", "rollno": 21 } } Compressed JSON Data: {"student":{"name":"Neeraj","branch":"science","rollno":21}} If you are facing any difficulty then please mention it in ...
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