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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer Brian Kernighan Biography Brian Kernighan Biography The Crazy Programmer

Brian Kernighan Biography Ruchi Mishra The Crazy Programmer

Brian Wilson Kernighan is a computer scientist from Canada. He worked at Nokia Bell labs. This is an American industrial research and scientific development company owned by a multinational company Nokia. He contributed to the development of UNIX with Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie . Brian Kernighan worked as co-author with Dennis Ritchie on the book The C Programming Language. Brian became famous through this C programming book. Brian wrote many programs for Unix, including ditroff. Brian Kernighan is also coauthor of AWK which is a domain-specific language and AMPL which is a mathematical programming language. The K in AWK stands for “Kernighan”. Brian Kernighan formulated the famous heuristics for two NP-complete optimization problems: graph partitioning and traveling salesman problem with the help of Shen Lin. Later it was known as Lin-Kernighan heuristic. Brian Kernighan currently working as a professor of computer science at Princeton University since 2000 and director of u...