ROM is Read-Only Memory and the most important type of electronic storage, which comes in-built to the device during manufacturing. You must have seen ROM chips in your computers and other electronic products; game consoles, VCRs, and even car radios all of them use ROM for completing their functions effectively and smoothly. ROM chips generally come built-in the external unit – just like flash drives or other auxiliary devices –and are installed in the hardware of a device on the removable chip. The non-volatile memory of ROM stays viable even without the power supply. In this post, we will learn more about ROM and different types of ROM to check out: What is ROM ROM is a solid-state memory that will read-only data stored. Its feature is that when data gets stored, it will not be changed and deleted. As mentioned before, it is mainly used in the computer and various electronic devices, even though the power gets turned off, data won’t disappear. The widely used type of primary stor...
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