In this article, we will understand the idea of Kadane’s Algorithm. We discuss this with the help of an example and also discuss a famous interview problem related to it. Then, we will look at the implementation and analyze the complexities of our approach. Kadane’s Algorithm This algorithm is useful in solving the famous ‘Maximum Sum Subarray’ problem. The problem states that given an array we need to find the contiguous subarray with maximum sum and print the maximum sum value. So, how does Kadane’s Algorithm help us in this problem? The basic idea is to find all contiguous segments of an array whose sum will give us the maximum value. Kadane’s algorithm scans the given array from left to right. In the i th step, it computes the subarray with the largest sum ending at i starting for each subarray. For example, let us consider this array: For the given array the maximum subarray exists for [ 1 2 3 6] highlighted in the image and the maximum sum is 12. Algorithm Now we look at...
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