For years, technology enthusiasts have used tools such as extreme injector to create DLL libraries to carry out specific jobs or processes. The main purpose of these types of libraries is to hijack the software it is being used on. Many gamers who want a competitive edge use these DLL injection tools to alter certain parts of the game to make it easier to win. If you are a software or game developer, you need to find ways to avoid DLL hijacking and the problems it can cause. While this may sound like a relatively easy process, it is anything but. The tools that hackers use to infiltrate software and wreak havoc changes constantly. This is why you have to stay on the cutting edge of technology when trying to keep your games and software safe and functional. Below are some things you can do to keep your software safe from DLL hijacking. Understand Phantom DLL Hijacking Cyber attacks cost the global economy more than $600 billion a year . The key component of preventing any type of...
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