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Showing posts with the label The Crazy Programmer History of Cloud Computing History of Cloud Computing The Crazy Programmer

History of Cloud Computing Suraj Kumar The Crazy Programmer

Nowadays, cloud computing has become one of the most suitable ways to deliver ideal solutions to businesses. But do you wish to know why and how cloud computing developed? In this article, we will do the same to get some highlights about the history of cloud computing . The concept of cloud computing came into its existence during the early 1960s. And this was the time when the culture of the remote job started generating. Companies like IBM and DEC took some initial actions in the field of cloud computing. And some other companies started offering VPN services without charging much. Because of the vast availability of VPN, connecting with the network became relatively easy. And finally, in 1994, the cloud metaphor got functional for offering virtualized services. History of Cloud Computing Cloud computing was invented or introduced in the early 1960s. And JCR Licklider, also known as Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, developed this technology. He was an American psychologist and com...