Unicode and ASCII are now the two-character encoding systems that are most extensively used worldwide. We can process, share and store text in any language through unicode encoding, as opposed to ASCII, which is used to represent text in computers as symbols, characters, and numbers. What is ASCII? American Standard Code for Information Interchange is referred to as ASCII. It represents text with numbers. Characters include digits (1, 2, 3, etc.), letters (a, b, c, etc.), and symbols (!). Each character in a text message is changed into a number using ASCII. This collection of figures is simpler to keep in the computer’s memory. If I explain it in laymen’s words then it is the process of giving a character a numerical value. Let us take an example, an upper case character ‘A’ is assigned as 65, lower case character ‘a’ is assigned as 97. Here’s an image of the ASCII table explaining all the values assigned to the character. What is Unicode? Just like ASCII, Unicode also provides o...
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