First, we should know that how is scope in Data Science, So let me tell you that If you searched top jobs on the internet, in that list Data Science will be also present. So you can say this time Data Scientist has one of the most opportunities to become his career. So, here we will discuss how to become a Data Scientist in India, and how much time need to become a Data Scientist. Image Source What is Data Science? Data: In a simple way, we can say Data is a stored Information means any information that we can store called Data. Data Science: Data Science is the process of using data to find solutions. Data Science uses algorithms to find the solution/ to solve complex data issues. Here we discuss with Example: Suppose we are trying to book a Cab, but that time cab rate Comparable higher at this hour of the day, why are the cab fares so high at this time? The answer is because that time everyone rushing off to work that’s why High demand for cabs leads to an increase in...
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