Hello everyone, So today we’ll see how we can get the free azure subscription to use for a month. So later we can decide whether we should upgrade our plan or discontinue. If you don’t know what azure then just has a look on this – https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/overview/what-is-azure/ Let’s start with the things that will be required to continue further. Requirements: Phone Number Github Account or Microsoft account Credit Card (i.e Mastercard, Visa) If you don’t have any Github or Microsoft account then you can create one from here. Github Account: https://github.com/join Microsoft Account: https://account.microsoft.com/account/Account So if you have all of the requirements fulfilled then let’s continue further. How to Get Free Azure Subscription for a Month Here are the steps to get azure free trial. Step 1: First login into Microsoft account or GitHub account and then go to this link signup.azure.com Step 2: Then in this page enter your phone number ...
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