In this article, we will have a look at the difference between Entity and Attribute, which form the core principles of the Entity-Relationship Model in Database Management System. We will look at the description of each in detail with examples and compare them for a clear idea. Entity An Entity is defined as any object which has a real-time existence. Moreover, an object is only considered as an Entity if it is easily identifiable among all other objects. In the context of DBMS an entity typically represents data in an RDBMS . It is an object about which we store or retrieve data from the database. Now, the entities that share the same set of properties coalesce into an Entity Set . We represent an entity set as a relation or a table in Relational Database Management System. So, Each row in a table represents an entity and the table itself represents an entity set. Therefore, to maintain integrity and avoid ambiguity, it is essential that all entities (rows) are unique and must not ...
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