MySQL is a widely used relational open-source database management solution across the world. The history of MySQL goes back to when Monty Widenius in 1979 started working for the small firm named TcX and created the reporting tool that was written in a BASIC and ran on 4 Mhz computer and 16KB RAM. With time, this tool was again written in C & ported to run over Unix. Still, it was just the low-level engine with the reporting front end. This tool was called Unireg. Let us know the complete history of MySQL and how it came into existence: MySQL History MySQL, a Swedish company was credited for being a founder of the MySQL database server. There were 3 engineers: David Axmark, Allan Larsson, and Micheal Widenius, who started their work on the MySQL server development in 1995. They released their first MySQL server on the same date. Another US tech firm named Sun Microsystems took complete ownership once they purchased MySQL AB. Later on Oracle, a US tech giant acquired Sun Microsys...
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