HP has announced the HP Omnicept Solution, which brings together its virtual reality (VR) headset and developer-focused SDK. According to the company, this will allow VR developers to create new personalized, engaging, and adaptive VR experiences for the enterprise. According to the company, facial expression and body language account for up to 50% of effective communication. With 25%-30% of the workforce expected to continue working from home next year, new immersive tools will be needed in order to allow for effective remote collaboration. In addition, HP has found that since the emergence of COVID-19, there has been a 35% increase in the use of technology for training purposes, and VR has been proven to increase learning and training retention rates. “We’ve designed a powerful, adaptive VR solution to dramatically accelerate the use cases for VR, its potential to transform society, and the way we interact with technology,” said Jim Nottingham, general manager and globa...
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