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10 Best Laptops for Coding and Programming in India 2023 Neeraj Mishra The Crazy Programmer

This article will guide you to choose the best laptop for coding and programming and some of my top laptop picks for developers and students in India. I have also given the best picks based on prices under 1 Lakh, 70000, 60000, 50000, 40000, etc. As a programmer or developer, it becomes really confusing to pick the best laptop from thousands of laptops available in the market. It becomes even more difficult for a person who is just starting programming. Below I have shared some key points that will definitely help you to pick the perfect laptop for working on any programming technologies, C, C++, C#, Java, Python, SQL, Android, etc. Also Read: 8 Best Keyboards for Programming in India Image Source How to Choose the Best Laptop for Programming? RAM It is the first and most important thing that you should look for. A laptop with 8GB RAM is an ideal choice but 16GB RAM would be the best choice. If your budget is too low then you can go with 4GB RAM also. Believe me, it really s

Faster Time to Insight for Streaming Data

Data capture provides a better way to make informed decisions, but only when an organization truly taps into the value of that data. We capture data on and around everything, meaning information availability isn’t the issue. The challenges now are: How can we get more value from that data? How can we make sure we’re getting the information we need? How can we speed up time to insight?   Modern streaming systems send massive amounts of data consistently at lightning-fast speeds. It takes a long time for data processing systems to clean and reshape the raw data before sending it to the correct analytical tools. This process adds time between ingest and when analysis can begin, meaning “real-time” is still happening on a delay. Most data-driven organizations must engage in this lethargic process, but not all. There is a way to have true real-time analysis and predictive modeling available for those decisions that can’t wait. Purpose-built time series databases speed up time to insight an

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Next.js Commerce

Next.js Commerce is a template for building ecommerce apps that was developed by Vercel.  It includes support for common ecommerce functions like out of stock items, order history, order status, item variation availability, hidden products, and dynamically driven content.  It allows applications to be styled using Tailwind CS and also uses Next.js’s metadata to optimize for SEO.  The project also integrates with Shopify for handling checkout and payments. Currently Shopify is the only payment provider Vercel partners with, but it has instructions on the GitHub page on how to connect other providers. The project was first introduced in 2020 at Next.js Conf. The latest version, 2.0, was released in August, adding new features to enable dynamic storefronts and a simplified architecture.  “Paired with the industry shift from monoliths to headless ecommerce, we were able raise the bar for ecommerce sites. Next.js Commerce embodied a best-in-class, highly performant, highly optimized c

Google’s latest Privacy Sandbox preview introduces custom audience delegation

Android announced the release of Developer Preview 9 for the Privacy Sandbox on Android with API and SDK improvements.  The initial release of Custom Audience Delegation introduces the ability to create custom audiences for buyers without an on-device SDK. It also integrates with Bidding and Auction services for more intricate ad auctions.  Enrollment is no longer obligatory for using the Attribution Reporting API for development and testing, while debug reporting enhancements involve extra detailed reports and app-to-web debug reports.  The SDK Runtime can now initiate intents in other apps and connect with approved service allowlists. In conjunction with Developer Preview 9, Project Flight has been introduced. This initiative encompasses a series of sample applications that collectively demonstrate the practical application of Privacy Sandbox APIs within real-life user journeys.  Included in Project Flight is an advertiser app showcasing a conversion scenario through the booking

Flutter 3.13 released with Impeller improvements and API for foldables

The quarterly Flutter stable release version 3.13 introduces improvements to Impeller, Flutter’s new graphics renderer, and adds new Engine APIs for foldable devices. Impeller renderer on iOS optimizations have led to reduced latency, eliminating shader compilation issues and resulting in smoother performance. Additionally, some benchmarks show that Impeller now has improved average throughput, surpassing previous benchmarks. The average frame rasterization time in the flutter/gallery transitions performance benchmark has been halved compared to the Skia renderer. In 3.10, Flutter announced that wide gamut colors were available under a flag when using Impeller. After hearing and addressing feedback from users, wide gamut colors are now the default on iOS when using Impeller. Progress is being made on developing the Vulkan backend for Impeller, but it hasn’t reached a quality level suitable for an official preview, according to Flutter in a blog post that contains additional detail

Apica Acquires Data Fabric Innovator LOGIQ.AI and Raises $10M in New Funding to Modernize Data Management

STOCKHOLM and EL SEGUNDO, Calif. – Aug. 16, 2023 –  Apica, the leader in synthetic monitoring and observability, today announced its agreement to acquire observability data fabric start-up  LOGIQ.AI . Apica also announced it has raised $10M in funding from existing investors  Industrifonden , SEB Foundation, and  Oxx . With the acquisition and the new financing, Apica plans to continue delivering affordable and flexible observability innovations and develop new capabilities in the coming months for enterprise customers.Today, IT teams must balance the need for standardization and cost reduction with the difficult task of consolidating monitoring tools, services, and network cost centers. With the acquisition of  LOGIQ.AI  and the funding announced today, Apica will deliver active observability, automated root cause analysis, and advanced data management to bridge real-world gaps in analysis.“We are determined to address the need for low-cost infinite storage and observability to suppor

Active metadata management and the rise of intelligent data architecture platforms

Today, organizations cannot afford to wait for data insights, as they need to focus on meeting business needs and delivering results at the speed of decision-making. However, many data professionals have been overly focused on technology, which can lead to suboptimal and costly choices. To address this, many are adopting a business-outcome-first mindset . However, this shift necessitates not only a different thought process, but also a fresh technology slant. A new alternative, called an “Intelligent Data Architecture Platform” (IDAP), is an approach that accomplishes this by unifying data and metadata, resulting in the faster development of data products. As an intelligent data orchestrator, IDAP utilizes machine learning  and undergirds the metadata collection and discovery needed to perform the required tasks. Here, the metadata powers the automation and orchestration backplane, creating a unified engine that enables data and business teams to build and manage data products in a co

Redis 7.2 is out with scalable search, Auto Tiering, and more

Redis has announced the latest version of its flagship offering. Redis 7.2 introduces several new features, including scalable search and Auto Tiering.  Scalable search offers a 16x improvement in query throughput by blending sharding with vertical scaling.  Auto Tiering helps developers be more cost-effective with data storage, as heavily used data is kept in memory and less frequently needed data is moved to the SSD. This feature used to be called Redis on Flash and now it has been renamed and updated to provide more than twice the throughput.  The company has also worked with the maintainers of five libraries to improve consistency in experience, documentation, governance, performance, and security. These include Jedis, node-redis, redis-py, NRedisStack, and Go-Redis.  Triggers and Functions is another new feature in Redis 7.2 that allows developers to build applications based on business logic and data, all within Redis.  Enterprise users are getting a new cluster management

Zenhub’s project management tool now gets help from AI

Many development tool vendors have added AI to their offerings to help developers be more efficient with coding, and now Zenhub is unveiling that it has added AI capabilities to its project management tool to make the whole process of project management simpler.  According to Zenhub, this new offering focuses on the team rather than the individual and can help with managing projects and tasks, categorizing and prioritizing work, and other productivity-related activities.  Zenhub Labels suggests labels for information when data is added to the system, saving developers time and improving accuracy. This feature is available in public beta starting today, while all of the following features will be added soon. One of the upcoming features is AI Estimations, which predicts how challenging a task will be for a team and what resources are needed. AI Prioritization suggests priority levels for new tasks based on past behavior, ensuring that high-priority work is placed at the top of the

Creating a Culture of Documentation

What is documentation? Why is it important? What makes it good or bad? And – if it’s bad – what are the consequences? In this article, I’ll discuss all of this, explain how documentation (good or bad) is an outgrowth of organizational culture, and suggest some ways you can work to improve culture and produce better docs – even in the face of organizational resistance.’ What is documentation? And what does it do?   One of the main things documentation does is guide our users. Reading docs is a critical part of user experience. You can think of documentation as starting down in the code, with comments; then climbing a ladder through end-user product guides and feature maps, installation, user onboarding and QuickStart guides, recipes and examples of use, and more extensive tutorials. Beyond this, you may still be talking to primary users, but often to potential customers, too. Coherent documentation also tells a technical and business story about your products in context. It talks ab

Is AI coming for software development?

AI (as in Artificial Intelligence, not ‘augmented’ or ‘automated’ intelligence) has rapidly become a transformational factor for dozens of markets, including software development itself.  Even if we were aware that generative AIs like ChatGPT can ultimately generate bullshit , as my colleague Jason Bloomberg says, and we know they are getting overhyped across social networks and overvalued by vulture capitalists, nobody could have predicted the excitement the public and press would feel once they glimpsed the future. We’re seeing AI work its way into everything—almost every platform or software product has put some form of generative AI magic into the mix. No vendor wants to be late to the party. Governing AI in development IT executives are wrestling with how to safely govern the use of AI in their development groups. Maybe they don’t realize it’s technically already being used by most developers in their IDEs, for starters, in the form of autocomplete and code co-piloting.  The

Suse, CIQ, and Oracle form Open Enterprise Linux Association

Red Hat caused some trouble in the open-source community at the end of June when they announced that the source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) would no longer be publicly available and could only be accessed by its customers A couple of weeks later, the open-source software company SUSE said it would create a fork of RHEL and maintain a distribution for it.  Now SUSE is announcing it has joined forces with CIQ and Oracle to form the Open Enterprise Linux Association (OpenELA) . This new group will help “encourage the development of distributions compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) by providing open and free Enterprise Linux (EL) source code.” OpenELA will provide all the sources that are needed for RHEL downstreams to exist. Their initial focus will be on RHEL EL8 and EL9, and they are also considering EL7.  Their core tenets include full compliance with the existing standard, timely updates and fixes, transparency, community, and ensuring that RHEL

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week (*) – Codecov

This week’s project, Codecov, originally claimed to be an open-source project, but in a subsequent post the day after the people behind the project apologized for referring to BUSL-1.1 as Open Source and explained the thought process behind the decision in detail.  The definition of open source is outlined by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) in the Open Source Definition (OSD), which lays down specific criteria that a software license must meet to be considered open source. However, at times there are organizations that might get that wrong as Codecov claimed in this post .  “We wrongly used the term Open Source; while unintentional, we should have known better. We let our emotions get the best of trying to explain our position, rather than stepping back and addressing the problem,” David Cramer, co-founder and CTO at Sentry, wrote.  Codecov is an all-in-one code coverage reporting solution for any test suite — giving developers actionable insights to deploy reliable code with co