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Stack Overflow: Docker surprasses npm as most-used developer technology

In last year’s Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Docker was the second most used tool, behind npm. In the 2023 survey , it was revealed that Docker has taken the number one slot.  However, npm is still more likely to be used than Docker for those that are still learning to code, commonly with languages that are often used to learn to code, like JavaScript and Python. In terms of tools developers want to use the same technology again next year, Docker had almost double the proportion of respondents than other options.    RELATED CONTENT: Stack Overflow 2022 results This year, markdown also broke into top three async tools, with 26% of developers using it, behind Jira (52%) and Confluence (34%).  If you look solely at developers still learning to code, markdown is in the second slot, behind GitHub Discussions. Only 13% of those developers use Jira and only 5% use Confluence.  Phoenix is still the most admired web framework. In 2022 it overcame Svelte to become most loved, and this

Claude Shannon Biography Ruchi Mishra The Crazy Programmer

Claude Elwood Shannon was born on 30 April 1916 in Petoskey, Michigan, United States. He was an American mathematician, computer scientist, cryptographer, and electrical engineer. His father’s name was Claude elwood shannon Sr. He was a judge and also a businessman. His mother’s name was Mabel Shannon and she was a language teacher later she also worked as a principal. Shonnon’s family lived in Gaylord, Michigan, and Claude Shannon Jr. was born in the hospital near his home. Shannon spent 16 years of his life there. Name Claude Elwood Shannon Jr. Father Claude Elwood Shannon Sr. Mother Mabel Shannon Birthdate 30 April 1916 Birthplace Petoskey, Michigan United state Death 24 Februry 2001 Spouse Betty Shannon Field Mathematics and electrical engineering Institution Bell labs, MIT Image Source He completed his schooling at Gaylord high school in the year 1932. He was good at mathematics and science. He completed his graduation from the Universi

Vercel launches AI Acceletator AI Playground and more

Vercel has announced the launch of its AI Accelerator, a six-week program for early-stage startups to build and scale an AI solution. The program will be available to 40 participants. The accelerator will provide fireside chats and office hours with leading AI experts, as well as guidance and accountability from Vercel’s Developer Experience team. Participants will also have access to a private Slack channel for knowledge sharing, troubleshooting, and accountability.  Several AI companies have donated $850K in credits collectively to the accelerator program, including OpenAI, Huggingface, and Modal Labs.  And after the six week program, participants will be provided access to a CRV investor to provide guidance and feedback on their investment decks.  In addition to the AI Accelerator, Vercel is announcing its AI Playground where developers can experiment with AI technologies. By removing the need to setup and configure and environment, developers can get started right away with AI.

Grafana 10 released as project celebrates 10-year anniversary

Grafana Labs is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Grafana with the release of Grafana 10 .  This release introduces new visualization capabilities via several new Grafana panels. These include the trend panel, which can graph ascending numeric X-axis data; and the datagrid panel, which provides a spreadsheet-like interface for editing data in the dashboard.  The time series panel was also updated to allow you to add time regions.  Another focus of this release is team collaboration. Public Dashboards, which can be shared with external stakeholders, has been updated with the ability to collapse rows, hide queries, and zoom into panels. These Public Dashboards also now live in a separate category in the Dashboards section, making it easier to manage them.  The onboarding experience has also been improved to make it easier and quicker to install Grafana, set up data sources, and create dashboards. Users will now be provided with guided workflows and tips, and when setting up data

Third-party dependencies open doors to attack

Remember when you were a teenager, and your parents would go away for the weekend, so you threw a party at your house for a few close friends, and then 500 people you don’t even know showed up? And then you wake up the next morning and realize someone took your mother’s gold necklace? That’s a lot like the dependencies in today’s modern application development. And because these third-party components have dependencies of their own, there are many points of entry into which a malicious actor can grab your data or bring your application down for ransom. A coder is an artist, Bill Manning, solution engineering manager at JFrog , likes to say. They create their palettes of language and tools for the problems they’re trying to solve. They understand the resources in the company. But at the same time, with the largest threat to software being third-party transitive dependencies, there’s been a big increase in the tax created by attacks or downtime. “Everybody always talks about SolarWi

ServiceNow adds generative AI to Virtual Agent chatbot

ServiceNow’s Virtual Agent chatbot provides a conversational interface for users to perform self-service tasks. Now Assist for Virtual Agent will make the interactions even more intelligent and customers will be able to tackle more complex tasks.   By incorporating generative AI, Virtual Agent will be able to provide more “direct, relevant, and conversational responses to questions.”  When a user asks a question, Virtual Agent will now provide additional information like internal pieces of code, product images or videos, links to documents, or summaries of knowledge base articles, ServiceNow explained.  Customers can configure the conversational experience in Now Assist for Virtual Agent to suit the needs of their organization. This is accomplished in a drag-and-drop environment, Virtual Agent Designer.   Customers can also embed direct access to large language models, such as Micrsoft Azure OpenAI Service LLM or OpenAI API, allowsing customers to interact with those directly if n

Innovation will transform the software engineering life cycle

Innovation is essential for software engineering leaders to circumvent competition and create an attractive technology landscape for users and developers. Innovation keeps processes, tools and outcomes fresh and productive.  However, software engineering teams often experience burnout due to the demand for innovation and have little energy to innovate their own processes and practices. Software engineering leaders can introduce innovation with new ways of working.  Use AutoML to Reduce External Dependencies and Increase Innovation Data science skills are not abundant within software engineering teams. Software engineering leaders are pressed to implement innovative machine learning (ML) algorithms into their applications for intelligent and predictive purposes. AutoML services allow developers without significant data science skills to build purpose-specific ML. Gartner predicts that by 2027, up to 75% of enterprise software engineering teams will use autoML techniques. AutoML si

Why I can never be a developer advocate

I want to address the topic of being a Developer Advocate. Several people in my area of the tech industry now hold the title of “Developer Advocate”. I have no problem with that title, and this post means no disrespect to anyone with that title (many of them are my friends). However, I am curious as to what it really means to be one. Then I wonder if I can apply that title to what I do for a living. What is a Developer Advocate?  I recently looked up the word “advocate” online. It is defined as “a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.” At face value, this is someone who is actively engaged in supporting developers and their interests at companies. I assume that means enabling them and helping them do their best, be their best, make their work easier or more efficient, and hopefully more enjoyable. Is that correct? I can see the need to have someone in place for the developers. I am definitely not saying they aren’t needed. They are. RELATED CONTENT

Optimizely adds Content Graph service to CMS to enable more seamless content delivery

The content management system (CMS) provider Optimizely has announced the release of its Content Graph service, which will make it easier for developers to deliver content within their applications. This was first introduced in beta last year and is now generally available to all CMS customers.  Content Graph acts as an on-demand content library to seamlessly deliver content across different platforms, channels, and devices, and uses the query language GraphQL to fetch content.  “We love GraphQL and its ability to be specific and prevent over-fetching of content, strongly typed and self-documenting schema, and the wealth of clients available for a plethora of modern JavaScript frameworks. Therefore, we’ve created this new service based on GraphQL to provide the flexibility to deliver content to any touchpoint, ensure users can find the content they’re interested in and relevant to them, and accomplish all this in a way that maintains a fast and responsive user experience,” John HÃ¥k

Generative AI and software testing: Here’s what our experiments with generative AI and software testing found

Amid the cacophony of noise about generative AI and software development, we haven’t seen much thoughtful discussion about software testing specifically. We’ve been experimenting with ChatGPT’s test writing capabilities and wanted to share our findings. In short: we conclude that ChatGPT is only somewhat useful for writing tests today, but we expect that to change dramatically in the next few years and developers should be thinking now about how to future-proof their careers. We’re the cofounders of CodeCov , a company acquired by Sentry that specializes in code coverage, so we’re no strangers to testing. For the past two months, we’ve been exploring the ability of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools to write unit tests. Our exploration primarily involved providing ChatGPT with coverage information for a particular function or class and code for that class. We then prompted ChatGPT to write unit tests for any part of the provided code that was uncovered, and determined whether or n

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: OpenChat

OpenChat is an open-source alternative to ChatGPT that simplifies the process of creating chatbots. It uses GPT-3 as its language model. Developers can use it to create chatbots from PDFs or websites. Soon the project will add support for Notion, Confluence, and Office 365 as data sources. Entire codebases can also be used as a data source to create a pair programming chatbot.  The chatbots created using OpenChat have unlimited memory capacity, which means that it can interact with large files seamlessly.  Chatbots can be embedded either as a widget on a website or in internal company tools. Examples of the types of chatbots that can be created include customer support chatbots, private tutors, or personal libraries.  Some upcoming features that are planned, according to the project roadmap , include Slack integration, support for offline open-source models, and custom input fields.   The project maintainers note that the project is not yet production ready, and developers can

2023 SD Times 100

The SD Times 100 recognizes leaders in the industry across 10 different categories: APIs and Integrations Data and Database Management Value Stream Management Development Tools DevOps Tools Security Performance Monitoring Testing Innovation Leaders Low Code and Digital Transformation The list is determined by SD Times editors, based on the observations we have made over the last year.     The post 2023 SD Times 100 appeared first on SD Times . from SD Times

AWS Glue Data Quality delivers high-quality data across data lakes and pipelines

AWS announced the availability of AWS Glue Data Quality, which delivers high-quality data across data lakes and pipelines.  A vast number of users establish data lakes, but without data quality, these can transform into data swamps, according to AWS. Establishing data quality is an intricate and lengthy procedure. It necessitates manual scrutiny and the formulation of data quality rules, as well as coding for quality degradation alerts. The time required for these manual tasks is significantly reduced, from several days to hours, by using AWS Glue Data Quality, according to AWS in a post .  This service calculates statistics automatically, suggests quality rules, monitors data, and sends alerts when a decline in quality is detected. As a result, the process of spotting missing, outdated, or incorrect data before it negatively affects the business becomes much more efficient. AWS Glue Data Quality is a serverless feature of AWS Glue, eliminating the need for infrastructure managemen

Rocket Software Democratizes Data with Rocket Data Intelligence; Enabling Optimized Decision Making and a More Productive Workforce

WALTHAM, Mass. — June 8, 2023 — Rocket Software , a global technology leader that develops enterprise software for some of the world’s largest companies, today unveiled the latest version of  Rocket ®   Data Intelligence , a self-service data platform built on automation that spans cloud, distributed, and mainframe infrastructures to power the democratization of data. With an intuitive interface and clear visualizations, Rocket ®  Data Intelligence enables all users – regardless of their background in data science – to see a full picture of the organization’s data landscape and the data context needed to understand which data can be trusted. Organizations that have higher confidence in their data will make decisions that drive better business outcomes. In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, organizations are only as powerful as the data they collect, understand, and leverage.  According to IDC , organizations with a high level of data intelligence experienced 40% higher financial

JetBrains updates Aqua with support for Playwright and Cypress

JetBrains has announced that its test automation IDE, Aqua, now supports Playwright and Cypress. Both are popular open-source test automation frameworks, and according to JetBrains, they were highly requested by users.  JetBrains first introduced Aqua in November 2022, and the IDE is still currently in active development. It allows QA engineers to develop automated UI and API tests, and offers support for Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and SQL. It also offers intelligent coding assistance.  When JetBrains initially released Aqua, it had support for the Selenium API and Selenide. By adding support for Playwright and Cypress, it is able to provide a more robust testing solution.  In addition to Playwright and Cypress support, with the new version, Aqua includes an out-of-the-box debugger, enhanced code insights, and supports specific functions of the new frameworks.  “We have been working hard to provide first-class support for the most popular testing frameworks. The