The Android development team took a break from adding major features to the Android Emulator over the last six months to focus on an initiative called Project Quartz, the goal of which was to improve the stability, speed, and performance of the platform. Now, the team is reporting the improvements it was able to make to the Android Emulator, which can now be experienced either by downloading the latest version of Android Studio or updating to the latest version of the Emulator in the SDK Manager. The first goal was to improve stability and reliability, which the team accomplished by fixing issues that were causing backend and UI crashes, updating the UI framework, updating the hypervisor framework, updating graphics libraries, and eliminating technical debt. Specifically, they moved to a newer version of Qt, its platform for building the user interfaces in the Emulator; updating its graphics rendering system gfxstream ; and adding over 600 end-to-end tests to the pytests suite. The ...
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