A software bill of materials (SBOM) is a tool designed to share detailed information on code components in a standardized way. The SBOM has become an increasingly important tool for both application security purposes and governmental compliance. To minimize inconsistencies and encourage greater transparency, three primary SBOM formats have emerged, each of which allow companies to generate, share, and consume supply chain data. Before you choose, it’s important to understand what the current SBOM format options are and how they are best suited to you. Here, we’ll explore all three formats – SPDX, CDX, and SWID – share their attributes and weaknesses, and offer guidance to help you find the perfect match. First, let’s discuss why there are so many different formats. The simplest reason is that guidance around the use and requirements of SBOMs is still quite new. While SBOMs have been around for a while, it was less than two years ago that the software bill of material...
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