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C++ new vs malloc with Example Pulkit Govrani The Crazy Programmer

What is new? New is a keyword in c++ and it is a type of memory allocator which is responsible for allocating memory in a dynamic way . The heap memory is allocated by this operator and it shares the beginning address of the memory assigned to a certain variable. The working of the new keyword is similar to malloc and both of the keywords can be used with C++. Although we prefer using new keyword because it possess several advantages over malloc. Here’s a way to represent new keyword in C++: data_type variable_name_decided = new data_type ( arguments_passed ) ; In the above syntax “data_type” refers to the datatype for which you want to create memory space in a dynamic way, “variable_name_decided” is used to represent the variable of a particular datatype, “new” keyword is used to allocate memory dynamically, “arguments_passed” can be arguments passed in the constructor for initializing the constructed object. We are aware that the heap’s capacity is constrained and that the new

WebAssembly finds second home in the cloud

Play-Doh may be a favorite toy from your past, but its creators never set out with the goal of making a toy. It was originally marketed as a tool for cleaning your wallpaper before it found its way into the toy aisle.  Many other inventions started off aiming to solve one problem only to find themselves becoming known for an entirely different use case. And WebAssembly , or wasm, may be on a similar path.  WebAssembly is a bytecode format that code can compile to and it enables different programming languages to run in the browser, explained Liam Randall, CEO of Cosmonic , which is a WebAssembly PaaS.  “WebAssembly has huge implications for the web platform — it provides a way to run code written in multiple languages on the web at near native speed, with client apps running on the web that previously couldn’t have done so,” the Mozilla WebAssembly documentation states.  Beyond the browser, people have been using it with great success in the cloud, containers, and the edge.  W

GitLab announces beta of its new Web IDE

The team at GitLab announced that it is getting ready to launch the new Web IDE experience as a beta, available to everyone and enabled by default on According to GitLab, this new Web IDE is more user-friendly and efficient. It combines VS Code’s core features along with heightened performance and the ability to securely connect to a remote development environment straight from the Web IDE. users can expect the new Web IDE Beta by default on December 19, 2022 with no installation necessary.  For self-managed users, the Beta version will be available as a part of the GitLab 15.7 release, which is coming on December 22, 2022. It will be behind a feature flag that can be enabled by administrators on an instance-level.  Some key features include:  A customizable interface with collapsible panels and custom themes  Contextual actions and drag and drop support in the file panel  Find and replace across open files  An interactive document outline and visual his

Rust developers can now use explicit disciminants on enums with fields thanks to Rust 1.66 changes

The latest version of the Rust programming language, Rust 1.66, is now available.  In Rust 1.66, enums that have fields can now use explicit discriminants. This can be used to pass values across language boundaries that require the enum representation to match in both languages.  Previously explicit discriminants could only be used if none of the enum variants contained fields.  RELATED CONTENT: Rust’s addition to the Linux kernel seen as “enormous vote of confidence” in the language This release also includes the new “black_box” function, which takes the value passed to it and passes it right back. Internally in the compiler, however, it is treated as a function that could do anything with the input and then return anything. “Black_box” is useful for disabling optimizations, which there is an example of in the release notes .   A new command line utility “cargo remove” has been added in this release. It enables you to remove dependencies. A few releases back in Rust 1.62, “carg

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: DevSpace

DevSpace is an open-source developer tool for Kubernetes that allows users to develop and deploy cloud-native software with increased speed. This tool works as a lightweight, client-only CLI that utilizes current kube-context and does not require the installation of anything inside of the user’s cluster. DevSpace works out of the box with every Kubernetes cluster. With DevSpace, users gain access to: Devspace deploy to create images and deploy projects using helm or kubectl Devspace dev to watch files and update containers while the user codes  Devspace ui which opens a localhost UI specifically for Kubernetes deployment  Devspace init to prepare projects for deployment to Kubernetes quickly  Devspace logs which displays a list of all containers and allows the user to stream their logs Devspace enter which displays a list of all containers and lets users open interactive terminals  Additionally, the company stated that customers gain a streamlined workflow, faster iterations

DopeCode launches its website

The new custom software development company DopeCode today announced the launch of its website .  According to the company, DopeCode provides users with tools that tackle common business needs. These needs include research and advice, relational databases that analyze data quickly, or increased speed to cut down on cost and time to market. Additionally, the company focuses on both cloud-based and in-house solutions that are sustainable, secure, and GDPR compliant. “With the launch of our website, we want to make it easier for businesses to find the right solutions for their needs,” said Ernest M. van der Linden, managing director at DopeCode. “We specialize in providing compliant solutions that adhere to privacy policies, data protection regulations and antitrust laws, and our team of experts have the skills and experience to provide innovative custom software development that aims to solve real-world problems.” Among DopeCode’s core services is full stack custom software developm

Spotify is introducing new plugins for Backstage

Spotify launched its Spotify Plugins for Backstage subscription as an open beta to all Backstage adopters. It contains a bundle of five plugins: Soundcheck, Role-Based Access Control, Skill Exchange, Pulse, and Insights.  “The Spotify Plugins for Backstage bundle is the next step toward Spotify’s goal to share what we’ve learned with the world. We’re confident these plugins will take each and every developer portal built on Backstage to the next level, by making developers in your organization happier and more productive,” Austin Lamon, Director, GM of Backstage at Spotify wrote in a blog post .   The first plugin, Soundcheck, codifies engineering best practices to improve quality, reliability, security, and alignment throughout a software ecosystem in a gamified way. It includes an entity page that  provides a comprehensive snapshot of a specific entity’s tech health, pass or fail checks, and an overview page that provides a grid view of all entities owned by specific groups inside

MarkLogic 11 Unlocks Value of Complex Data with Industry’s Most Powerful Multi-Model Data Platform

MarkLogic , a leader in complex data and metadata management and portfolio company of Vector Capital, today announced new features delivered in MarkLogic 11, the latest release of its flagship MarkLogic Server product, that further enhance MarkLogic as a unified data platform with analytics, simplified deployment, management, and auditing—including in the cloud. Data fuels innovation and growth, but organizations are challenged to create business value from a constant stream of new data arriving in real time and from multiple sources. The MarkLogic data platform enables customers to connect and effectively leverage data and metadata as a single data resource. Data coupled with everything known about it means faster insights that accelerate innovation. MarkLogic 11 adds features that enable organizations to analyze and integrate multi-model data in new ways, and to make that data more accessible to developers and endpoints. Support for the increasingly popular GraphQL specification, f

Google Cloud announces general availability of AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

Earlier this year at Google Cloud I/O, Google announced a preview of AlloyDB for PostgreSQL, a fully-managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database service that enables organizations to modernize database workloads. Today they announced it is generally available. According to the company, when compared with standard PostgreSQL, AlloyDB was faster for both transactional workloads and analytical queries. In addition, it was also faster than Amazon’s comparable service for transactional workloads.  “Developers have many choices for building, innovating and migrating their applications. AlloyDB provides us with a compelling relational database option with full PostgreSQL compatibility, great performance, availability and cloud integration. We are really excited to co-innovate with Google and can now benefit from enterprise grade features while cost-effectively modernizing from legacy, proprietary databases,” said Bala Natarajan, senior director of data Infrastructure and cloud engineering at Pa

Drupal 10 includes updates to improve content authoring experience

The latest version of the content management system (CMS) Drupal is now available. Drupal 10 includes a number of updates aimed at improving the authoring experience.  Drupal 10 debuts the new Claro administration theme, which replaces the Seven theme, and the Olivero default front-end theme, which replaces the Bartik theme.  Claro was part of Drupal’s Admin UI & JavaScript Modernisation project, which aimed to re-imagine the content authoring and site administration experience of Drupal.  Olivero includes modern design elements and support for commonly used Drupal features like second-level navigation, embedded media, and layout builder.  Drupal 10 also introduces CKEditor 5, which includes an improved authoring experience and more modern editing capabilities.  Other updates include replacement of some jQuery components with modern JavaScript components, Theme Starterkit tools for bespoke theme creation, and replacement of Symfony 4 with Symfony 6.  There are also two in-dev

Apache Cassandra 4.1 released with improved Lightweight Transaction performance

Apache Cassandra 4.1 is now available with updates to improve ease of use.  Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database, and is an open-source project under the Apache Software Foundation.  The 4.1 release is the first version that follows the new yearly release cycle that was implemented last year. The release will be supported for three years.  RELATED CONTENT: Apache Cassandra indexing without having to say ‘I’m sorry’ Ecosystem improvements in Apache Cassandra 4.1 include a new Memtable API that provides pluggable persistent memory, improved Lightweight Transaction performance via Paxos v2, pluggable external schema manager services, and pluggable SSLContext creation.  According to a blog post , the Paxos optimizations improve latency and halve the number of round trips needed to achieve consensus. It also guarantees linearizability across range movements that are similar to what would be expected from a database with strong consistency.  “Apache Cassandra is open sou

Contrast Security announces free program for developers to learn security

Contrast Security launched its developer-focused education program Contrast Security Learning Hub and the Contrast Community forum to broaden access to secure coding practices.  The learning hub is a free program that provides interactive lessons on vulnerabilities across different languages and ecosystems. The program covers existing OWASP topics and JavaScript, Java, .NET, and Node.js programming languages. According to the company, there are approximately 35 lessons planned for next year.  The free Contrast Community serves as a space for developers at any level of security knowledge to advance their understanding of code security.  Next year, the community will offer exclusive community-only events, hands-on demo sessions, technical support, early access to exclusive Contrast content, and eligibility to become part of Contrast’s upcoming Ambassador Program.  “Developers have continued to take more responsibility for code security, and as security vendors, we need to do more tha

Pointer to Derived Class in C++ Pulkit Govrani The Crazy Programmer

The base class pointer can point to both base class & derived class objects. Although, it cannot change the values present in the derived class. Let us see some code examples for the explanation. Code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Base_Class_Details{ public: int age; void setAge(int myage){ age=myage; } int getAge(){ return age; } string name; void setName(string myname){ name=myname; } string getName(){ return name; } void showDetails(){ cout<< "The age of the person is: " << age <<"\n"; cout<< "The name of the person is: " << name <<"\n"; } }; int main() { Base_Class_Details* my_pointer_base=new Base_Class_Details(); my_pointer_base->setAge(20); my_pointer_base->setName("Pulkit Govrani"); my_pointer_base->showDetails(); return 0; } Output: The age of the person is:

Creatio’s latest updates speed up building of no-code apps

The low-code platform Creatio has announced updates to its platform that will help users create apps even more quickly than they could have before. The latest version includes a new composable architecture, which provides users with a library of ready-to-use components. All of the components are pluggable, replaceable, and reusable, which significantly reduces the amount of time spent configuring and customizing them.  In addition to the ready-to-use components offered by Creatio, users can also turn their developed code into a composable element that they can reuse down the line.  Another update in the version is an updated UI for both desktop and mobile. The new Freedom UI will help streamline the application design process. It includes a comprehensive library of views, widgets, and templates for building applications. The final update in this release is the new AI-driven development capabilities. This new functionality will provide users with guidance and recommendations for b

The Future of Developer Enablement in Software Security

How developer-friendly is your organization’s security program? The answer is as important as ever in today’s digital economy. High-performing organizations empower developers with tools, training and resources to do high-quality work, with security top of mind. This results in the ability to build secure applications quickly that consistently meet expectations and mitigate risk. As we see too often, though, many organizations struggle to create a positive environment for developers. We see these results in the notoriously high job turnover statistics for developers who quickly move from employer to employer from burnout. There are fundamental challenges that business leaders must address to improve software development, in particular a developer’s ability to contribute to software security. Doing so can further engage developers in the security process and contribute to the larger security maturity of the organization.  Let’s look more at developer enablement and what organizati