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CData announces user experience updates in its 2022 release

The data connectivity company CData has announced the 2022 release of its drivers and connectivity solutions, and the update comes packed with features.  First, it announced the addition of several new data sources, including AlloyDB, Azure Active Directory,, Neo4j, Oracle ERP, Oracle HCM, Oracle Service Cloud, Outreach, Pipedrive, Reckon Accounts Hosted, Salesloft, and Zoho Projects.   The company also announced several user experience improvements. The UI in ODBC Drivers now includes new tabs in the connection dialog boxes that allow information to be previewed, which means that users won’t have to relaunch the dialog box to see that information.  CData also now provides a single installer for Trial and Licensed installations, which will make it easier for Trial users to transition once they have purchased the product.  The 2022 update also includes a new hierarchy design for drivers where each driver will now get a JSON document with details on how to build custom con

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: SvelteKit

SvelteKit is a framework for building high-performance web apps that can handle things like build optimizations, offline support, prefetching pages, and configurable rendering.  It combines Vite with the Svelte plugin to provide a feature-rich developer experience and uses Hot Module Replacement (HMR) to have developers see their changes to the code reflected in the browser. Each page of the app is a component of Svelte, which is a UI framework that compiles components to optimize vanilla Java that also took the top spot as the most loved framework in a Stack Overflow survey . Developers can also create projects by adding files to the src/routes directory of a project which will be server-rendered to improve app speed. “Unlike single-page apps, SvelteKit doesn’t compromise on SEO, progressive enhancement or the initial load experience — but unlike traditional server-rendered apps, navigation is instantaneous for that app-like feel,” the project’s website , which contains addition

MariaDB joins Open Geospatial Consortium and acquires CubeWerx

The team at the SQL database, MariaDB , today announced that the company has joined the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) on the heels of its acquisition of CubeWerx , the geospatial solutions provider.  Through the OGC, MariaDB will work alongside the geospatial community in order to advance open geospatial standards to make information Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.  “We are thrilled to welcome MariaDB to the OGC,” said Nadine Alameh, CEO of the OGC. “MariaDB’s acquisition of CubeWerx demonstrates that the value of geospatial is finally being recognized as central to pretty much all applications and all decisions. It is great to see that what we have been working on as a geospatial community with leaders from CubeWerx and others is at the point of making impact at a scale never seen before.” With the acquisition of CubeWerx, MariaDB adds cloud-native, scalable geospatial capabilities that the company plans to offer through its fully managed cloud service Ma

Aqua Security adds CSPM capabilities to Trivy

Aqua Security has updated its open-source project Trivy to include cloud security posture management (CSPM) capabilities.  Trivy is a code scanning tool that looks through container images, file systems, and Git repositories for security vulnerabilities.  Now, the tool can be used with AWS, and Aqua Security said that support for other cloud providers is upcoming. AWS users can use Trivy to scan their account for misconfigurations and insider threats. This enables users to more easily meet security standards and comply with the CIS benchmarks.  RELATED CONTENT: ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Trivy Users can define their own rules or use Trivy’s community catalog, which likely wouldn’t be an option if using the built-in cloud tool. They can also keep consistent rules across IaC definitions and production environments.  Another benefit of this integration is users will be able to identify issues in AWS even when the infrastructure is defined from another tool, like

Opsera introduces new SaaS DevOps capabilities

The continuous orchestration platform for DevOps, Opsera , today announced its enterprise-wide SaaS DevOps capabilities intended to manage and modernize software releases.  On top of this, the company has released a new study that demonstrates the need for a single, enterprise-wide SaaS DevOps platform with annual SaaS spending reported as $125 billion in 2021.  According to the company, this platform brings disparate and siloed data together under a singular focus and alleviates the need to build separate development teams, metadata, configurations, profiles, permissions, and packages and release management tactics for end-to-end visibility spanning the SaaS DevOps ecosystem. Additionally, Opsera’s multi-SaaS and multi-cloud architecture works to allow enterprises to leverage the platform in order to accelerate SaaS DevOps maturity in several SaaS applications.  Enterprises are also enabled to leverage Opsera’s no-code platform and reusable microservices to improve the velocity o

Cloudera launches new data lakehouse for analytics

Cloudera announced the launch of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) One , an all-in-one data lakehouse software for analytics and exploratory data science.  The service has built-in enterprise security and machine learning that requires no security or monitoring operations staff, helping companies move to cloud computing for analytics and data.  “Empowering everyone in your business to get the real-time insights they need to make the right decisions requires building a truly modern data architecture in the cloud,” said Ram Venkatesh, chief technology officer at Cloudera. “Many businesses don’t have the resources, time or expertise to make this transformation happen. Cloudera’s latest cloud innovation, CDP One, joins our family of CDP cloud data services to completely alter the equation, shaving months or even years from implementation timelines and providing comprehensive data security.” One company that utilized CDP One, business travel management company CWT, said it didn’t have the ex

Pinecone announces new features to lower the barrier of entry for vector search

Pinecone Systems Inc. , a search infrastructure company, today announced the release of new features and enhancements that make it significantly easier for developers — regardless of AI or ML experience and background – to get started with vector search for applications such as semantic search and recommendation systems. New features include up to 10x faster indexes, flexible collections of vector data, and zero-downtime vertical scaling. “Our vector database makes it easy for engineers to build capabilities like semantic search, AI recommendations, image search, and AI threat detection, but for teams who are new to vector search, some challenges remain,” said Edo Liberty, founder and CEO of Pinecone. “Those challenges centered on the limited capacity of indexes, supporting high-throughput applications, and changing index size to support growing data volume. Our new release addresses these technical challenges, further simplifying and speeding up vector search.” With Pinecone’s new v

Brian Kernighan Biography Ruchi Mishra The Crazy Programmer

Brian Wilson Kernighan is a computer scientist from Canada. He worked at Nokia Bell labs. This is an American industrial research and scientific development company owned by a multinational company Nokia. He contributed to the development of UNIX with Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie . Brian Kernighan worked as co-author with Dennis Ritchie on the book The C Programming Language. Brian became famous through this C programming book. Brian wrote many programs for Unix, including ditroff. Brian Kernighan is also coauthor of AWK which is a domain-specific language and AMPL which is a mathematical programming language. The K in AWK stands for “Kernighan”. Brian Kernighan formulated the famous heuristics for two NP-complete optimization problems: graph partitioning and traveling salesman problem with the help of Shen Lin. Later it was known as Lin-Kernighan heuristic. Brian Kernighan currently working as a professor of computer science at Princeton University since 2000 and director of u

Digital Transformation Success Demands Digital Assurance: A Manifesto

Digital transformation continues to change the way organizations operate. With an ever-increasing reliance on data, connectivity, and innovative technologies, digital trust remains at the forefront of the global economy. A secure, trusted digital environment correlates with higher levels of digital maturity, as shown in a recent HBR study . Having confidence in data enables business leaders to make decisions they can truly stand behind.  Quality Testing vs Digital Assurance Historically, businesses have relied on quality testing and quality assurance (QA) to ensure trust. While these practices are often lumped together, they are quite distinct. With testing, we check if the software is working as intended. Testing is a way to gauge design, capability, and function. Assurance, on the other hand, ensures quality outcomes, meaning that developed software corresponds to specifications. QA is used as a preventative measure during the software development process to prevent bugs.  As e

Microsoft Dev Box preview allows developers to create on-demand workstations

Microsoft today announced that the preview of Microsoft Dev Box is now publicly available. The managed service enables developers to create “on-demand, high-performance, secure, ready-to-code, project-specific workstations in the cloud,” the company said. Users can sign into the Azure portal and search for dev box to begin creating dev boxes for their organization.  “With Microsoft Dev Box, developers can focus on writing the code only they can write instead of trying to get a working environment that can build and run the code,” Anthony Cangialosi, principal group PM at Microsoft wrote in a blog post . Dev Boxes are ready-to-code and pre-configured by the team with all the tools that developers need. Developers can also create their own dev boxes whenever they need to switch between projects, experiment on a proof-of-concept, or start a full build in the background. Dev Box supports any developer IDE, SDK, or tool that runs on Windows. It also supports building cross-platform app

MVP does not have to mean “Most Vulnerable Product”

Almost any company writing software today understands and glorifies the concept of Minimum Viable Product. Creating something that is just good enough for customers to successfully use it is enshrined as the most parsimonious path to profits. MVP has over time taken on additional freight as a general term connoting faster time-to-market for features or other sub-elements of products. The move from monoliths to microservices and the Cambrian Explosion of APIs, too, has radically increased the number of so-called “products” in the world today.  The dark side of MVP is that fastest to market too often means security is a second or even third-order consideration. That is logical. Developers are not promoted or rewarded right now because the products they ship are more secure. When a hit product or feature gets to market quickly but a critical vulnerability results in a data breach and millions in losses 18 months later, companies rarely focus on the original MVP development process.  Not

OMG announces parts of its Unified Architecture Framework are now ISO/IEC standards

The technology standards organization Object Management Group (OMG) has announced Parts 1 and 2 of its Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) have been made International Standards Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) standards.  UAF is a framework that developers use to represent enterprise architectures, allowing specific areas to be focused on while still having visibility into the big picture.  Part 1 of the specification is the Domain Metamodel and it defines concepts, relationships, and viewpoints for the framework. According to OMG, it is the basis for any UAF implementation. Part 2 of the specification is the Unified Architecture Framework Profile and it specifies a UAF profile that can be used to express and organize architectural model elements.  According to OMG, UAF meets the needs of commercial and industrial enterprises and defense organizations such as the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.K. Ministry of Defence, and NATO.  “UAF archite

Solve Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input Pratik Sah The Crazy Programmer

We all have tried fetching the data from the server by hitting an API and parsing the response to show it on the website. Chances are, you might have got this error at some point, and this is a common error to get stuck. If you run the following code you will get this error. const emptyString = '' const emptyArray = [] console.log(JSON.parse(emptyString)) console.log(JSON.parse(emptyArray)) I got this error and tried resolving it. Gone through the answers on Stackoverflow and tried debugging the code, and while debugging it, I figured out why this occurs and how you can avoid this error. This error is because we might be trying to parse an empty string or an empty array using JSON.parse() And since we are trying to parse an empty string or empty array, end of string is reached before parsing the content of JSON text. We have to make sure that the JSON we are trying to parse is valid. We might be getting either an empty array or an empty string as the response. Anothe

Five common user testing mistakes and how to avoid them

Have you ever heard from a customer that your software was buggy, slow or unreliable? Or that a particular feature didn’t function exactly as intended? You’re not alone. Every software company, product and development team has experienced customer feedback at some point. But the best time to receive this type of user-generated feedback is before the product launches to the market, not after.  Most organizations complete user-testing with employees (called dogfooding) or with real customers at various stages of the software development process to eliminate issues and improve the user experience. However, not all user-testing is the same. And herein lies the problem.  There are a number of common mistakes that can happen during the testing process that make it difficult for software developers to receive enough actionable data and to be able to engineer the right solution into the product. Sometimes mistakes are made because of a lack of standardization or consistency across the testin

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Astro

Astro is a web framework for building fast and content-focused websites that has gained many new features since its original beta announcement in April.   The latest release, 1.0, was released earlier this week. It includes new <Image /> and <Picture /> components, MDX support with standard syntax for mixing UI components in Markdown, server output that is now stable and available for production use, and an upgrade to the internal build engine, Vite.  “This v1.0 release symbolizes our commitment to API stability and production-readiness going forward. If you have been waiting to give Astro a try, now is a great time to start,” the developers behind Astro 1.0 wrote in a post . “A lot has changed since we first launched Astro is no longer just a static-site builder. You can now build Astro to a dynamic, SSR-ready server on any popular hosting platform. Additionally, our ecosystem has exploded into 100+ integrations and keeps growing to cover more and more fea