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5 Best Universities to Study Computer Science Neeraj Mishra The Crazy Programmer

These days, software engineering and creating computer programs are need regions, for which numerous understudies pick foreign instruction. Schools the world over offer understudies state-of-the-art coding courses that coordinate the most recent industry patterns and genuine understudy needs. What’s more, the understudies are given the most recent hardware and programming . Because of the prominence of computer education, programs in the field of creating computer programs are currently offered in a colossal number of colleges and universities around the globe, so picking the correct course and instructive establishment can be troublesome. We will enlighten you regarding a few colleges and courses that are among the best for examining writing computer programs around the work. 5 Best Universities to Study Computer Science 1. Stanford University The Stanford University software engineering division was set up in 1965. The faculty offers four-year certification in scientific studie

Report: The emergence of Big Code comes with big problems

Despite efforts to make building and maintaining applications more maintainable, code is still growing in volume, variety, velocity and value. As a result, the trend Big Code has emerged and is expected to be just as disruptive to development teams as Big Data was to data teams.  “Today’s massive codebases make it difficult for developers to discover, understand, and fix code because of the significant increase in its volume and complexity,” said Quinn Slack, co-founder and CEO of Sourcegraph, a universal code search company. “It’s for this reason that Big Code is often compared to Big Data—both have the potential to disrupt teams, decrease productivity and quality, and make it harder for enterprises to stay competitive.” With the emergence of Big Code comes the emergence of new big problems. According to Sourcegraph’s Slack, the amount of code being created has exponentially increased; the complexity of languages tools and processes are continuing to multiply; accelerated delivery c

SD Times news digest: npm public roadmap, TIBCO to acquire Information Builders, and HackerOne expands integrations ecosystems

The npm have released a new public roadmap. Developers can use the roadmap to learn more about the features that are being worked on, the stage that they’re in, as well as when they can be expected.  They can also open a discussion and share suggestions for how the products should be improved and discuss those improvements with the community, including members of the npm product team. “We know that there is still a lot of work that can be done to make working with JavaScript even more intuitive and whimsical than it is today. We are excited to embark on this process to design that future with you,” npm wrote in a   blog post . TIBCO to acquire Information Builders Information Builders’ (ibi) rich, data centric portfolio augments TIBCO’s connected intelligence platform to drive innovation.  Information Builders has a rich product portfolio and trusted data-driven solutions that are at the core of digital transformation, the company explained. Its comprehensive set of data managemen

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Waypoint

HashiCorp has announced a new open-source project to help developers build, deploy and release apps across any platform. Waypoint provides a modern and consistent workflow using a single configuration file and command: waypoint up.  The project supports Kubernetes, HashiCorp Nomad, Amazon ECS, Google Cloud Run, Azure Container Instances, Docker, and Buildpacks.   According to the company, Waypoint is software that is downloaded and self-hosted to manage the deployment of applications. It does not require HashiCorp-provided services.  The company built Waypoint to help developers deploy. According to the company, developers are faced with complexity through containers, schedulers, YAML files and serverless. Additionally, depending on where developers want to deploy their applications, the tool and workflow can be very different, causing fragmentation and a learning curve challenge.  “With Waypoint, we aim to solve these two challenges. Waypoint provides one easy-to-use command to

Episerver acquires Optimizely to create advanced digital experience platform

Digital experience platform provider Episerver has announced that it is acquiring experimentation and optimization company Optimizely.  The acquisition will enable Episerver to help customers optimize every user touchpoint. According to the cmopany, customers will be able to do more testing with greater ease than ever before. “While every B2B and B2C company is online today, not every team is using customer insights to confidently seize new opportunities and adapt to challenges,” said Alex Atzberger, CEO of Episerver. “I’m thrilled that with the completion of our acquisition of Optimizely, we are democratizing experimentation so companies can replace guesswork with evidence-based outcomes that drive transformation, customer engagement, and brand differentiation.”  Episerver will now be able to provide benefits like experience innovation based on real customer insights, increased testing agility, and improved outcomes through unique digital experiences. Following the acquisition, it

premium Get back to the fun part of testing

In an ideal world, software testing is all about bringing vital information to light so our teams can deliver amazing products that grow the business (to paraphrase James Bach). Investigation and exploration lie at the heart of testing. The obsession with uncovering critical defects before they unfurl into business problems is what gets under our skin and makes us want to answer all those “what if…” questions before sending each release off into the world.   But before the exploring can begin, some work is required. If you’re tracking down literal bugs in the wilderness, you’re not going to experience any gratification until after you check the weather forecasts, study your maps and field guides, gear up, slather on the sunscreen and mosquito repellant, and make it out into the field. If your metaphorical hunting grounds are actually software applications, these mundane tasks are called “checking.” This includes both the rote work of ensuring that nothing broke when you last made a c

Harness announces Continuous Integration Enterprise and Continuous Features modules for software delivery

CI/CD and DevOps tool provider Harness is preparing for the next-generation of software delivery with the announcement of two new modules at its {Unscripted} 2020 inaugural user conference this week. The new modules, Continuous Integration Enterprise and Continuous Features, are designed to enforce quality and compliance, reduce the time to remediate vulnerabilities, and provide continuous deployment. Continuous Integration Enterprise is an AI/ML-powered continuous integration solution for building and testing cycles. The module comes from Harness’ acquisition of CI company and includes familiar features such as container-based pipelines, quick bootstrapping, low maintenance, customizations, and parallel step execution.  Continuous Features is a feature flag management solution that tackles “feature sprawl” and “progressive delivery,” and reduces the time it takes to release features. It includes a visual interface for feature verification and analytics, and an easy-to-us

SD Times news digest: Microsoft and Infragistics bring new UI to Blazor, Instana always-on profiling for production PHP and Python apps, and RapidAPI testing

Infragistics and Microsoft have collaborated on a new enterprise UI toolkit for .NET developers using Blazor. The new framework will give developers the option to develop full-stack web apps using .NET and C#, instead of JavaScript.  Features include the Blazor data grid, editors and combo box, dock manager, the UI data chart, stock chart, treemap, pie chart, gauges, geospatial map and data picker.  “In Blazor we sought to introduce a framework that enables .NET developers to build modern full stack web apps with .NET,” said Daniel Roth, ASP.NET program manager at Microsoft. “Our longtime partners at Infragistics are using their expertise to offer .NET developers the UI tools they need to build web applications without having to tackle JavaScript.” Instana brings its always-on continuous production profiling to PHP and Python Instana has announced PHP and Python apps will now benefit from its always-on profiling support. Instana now provides automic continuous production prof

The first step to ensuring data quality is validation

Blue Compass is an Iowa-based digital marketing agency specializing in website development and SEO. As such, according to development manager David Wanat, they take care of “everything beyond the design of the site” on the back end. Not only that, but Wanat also said he is responsible for ensuring the data is good, whether it’s internal data or coming in from another source. So for him, the first step toward data quality is validation. “We’ve got articles and blog posts on our site, we have RSS feeds, we just finished an airport website, so there’s parking information, like how many spots are in a lot, or is this flight on time, or is it delayed? Some of it is user inputted through WSYWIG engine or through an API,” he explained. “We’re talking to another site that gives us information, like REST calls, or maybe a CSV file is uploaded via FTP, and we dig through that to find information. There’s all kinds of different sources for this data. And some is end-user driven, where they’ll

The Shape of Things to Come: What’s the Future of Computer Programming? Neeraj Mishra The Crazy Programmer

What will computer programming look like in the future? Will, there even be programming jobs, and what will they entail? Is there still a point to going into a computer programming career? These questions are weighing heavily on the minds of both established programmers and newcomers to the field. Computer programming has always been an ever-changing environment. Recent technological changes and disruptions in the way we interact with computers have left some shaken. But there’s good news: the future for computer programming looks bright — even if the shape of the field will continue to evolve. Advanced Frameworks Frameworks have become a vital tool to web developers and programmers in recent years. As frameworks have grown more sophisticated and feature-rich — as well as more numerous, with a dizzying array of tools available — the need to write code to solve age-old problems has diminished. Frameworks allow both developers and front-end users to focus on high-level details, in

Node.js 15 comes with npm 7 support and updated handling of rejections

The JavaScript runtime Node.js has been updated to version 15. Node.js 15 will replace Node.js 14 on the team’s current release line, and Node.js 14 has been moved to long-term support.  According to the team, Node.js 15 will be updated every two weeks with the latest features and changes.  Version 15 features support for npm 7, which was announced last week with long-awaited features such as workspaces, the ability to automatically install peer dependencies, and support for yarn.lock. In previous releases of Node.js, unhandled rejections would set off a warning about the rejection and a deprecation warning. With version 15, unhandled rejections are now changed to throw mode, which raises it as an uncaught expectation. “ We made this change to align with community expectations and to help surface problems that would otherwise be hard to locate and debug. It brings behavior of unhandled rejections in line with that for unhandled exceptions where we’ve seen the throw behavior being

HCL Software unveils the Volt MX low-code solution for professional developers

HCL Software is expanding on its low-code capabilities and partnerships with the release of HCL Volt MX . The new solution is a low-code application development platform designed for professional developers building multi-experience applications.  According to the company, developers are often bogged down learning the specific skills for specific platforms such as Android and iOS. Additionally, there is a finite number of developers who are actually experienced in one particular platform. Volt MX is designed so developers can build native mobile apps, progressive web applications, and wearable solutions once and deploy them anywhere. Additionally, Andrew Manby, associate vice president of product management for HCL Software’s digital solutions, explained that current citizen developer offerings don’t really provide the deep capabilities necessary to accelerate productivity for developers.  “For professional developers, you have to have the horsepower and you have to have the capabil

SD Times news digest: Tricentis AI-powered test automation, NetBSD 9.1 released, and AWS porting assistant for .NET now open source

Tricentis has announced its vision for the next-generation of AI-powered test automation. Vision AI is a test design and automation solution which allows organizations to address the needs brought about by the increasing prevalence of cloud-native and enterprise application platforms, according to the company. Vision AI is also now the core technology that will power Tosca and it automatically recognizes and identifies visual user interface elements and controls across any form factor the same way humans do to aid in the automated generation of robust test cases.   “The introduction of Tricentis’ next generation AI technology will allow organizations to deliver innovation faster and at lower costs, while also rapidly modernizing and transforming their application landscape to bring more value to the business,” said Sandeep Johri, the CEO of Tricentis.  NetBSD 9.1 released  NetBSD is an open-source Unix-like operating system. The new release offers a selected subset of fixes deemed

What unique capabilities to look for in newer DevOps value stream management platforms

The adoption of value stream management platforms is especially needed in DevOps environments. According to Gartner, “ Organizations lack end-to-end visibility into product delivery and struggle to improve their flow of value. I&O leaders, together with application leaders, must implement a DevOps value stream management platform and analyze value stream metrics to optimize the overall health of product delivery. ” Gartner recommends that product and platform teams use VSMPs to: Provide end-to-end visibility and insight into their product delivery. Assess the performance, quality and value of their products, including development costs and ROI. Evaluate the maturity of their existing product delivery capabilities and identify constraints to flow and gaps in insights for stakeholders. Provide customized dashboards and views of product delivery for other stakeholders and leadership. Gain a consolidated view of governance, security and compliance across all product lines. Le

Splunk embraces observability with new acquisitions and product release

Splunk has revealed a new observability suite at its annual .conf20 user conference this week. The suite includes monitoring, investigation, and troubleshooting capabilities designed to accelerate users’ digital transformations.  “At Splunk, we believe modern application environments and open, cloud-native technologies will help our customers unlock greater business insights,” said Karthik Rau, vice president of observability at Splunk. “The Splunk Observability Suite makes it easier for organizations to accelerate their cloud migration and application modernization initiatives, and helps them deliver world-class digital experiences better than ever before.” As part of the observability suite, the company announced Splunk Log Observer and Splunk Real User Monitoring. Log Observer brings logs to site reliability engineers, DevOps engineers and developers. It is cloud-based and features out-of-the-box integrations with cloud and messaging services. Splunk Real User Monitoring features