Return Policy Guide is a website that aggregates the policies of many major retailers, so if a customer is unhappy with his purchase, he can learn how to most effectively return the product and get his money back. The site handles a ton of data, from the individual policies themselves, to ads on the site, to user reviews and more. Ashutosh Panda, senior developer at the company, explained that his developers do not get a say about the data creation or input, but are responsible for the data they choose to use in their applications. RELATED CONTENT: The SD Times Data Quality Project The first step to ensuring data quality is validation “We just give the developer a set of problems and then the solution we want from him,” Panda said. “That’s it. The process that he uses is absolutely upon him. So he is the one who makes the call as to which data to include, which data not to include, to get the best results. And so I would say that, yes, the developer is essential in this proc...
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